Tuesday, April 22, 2014

7 Marketing Tips You Can Begin Using Immediately

As a busy professional, it can often be difficult to carve out time to work on your marketing initiatives. Fortunately, there are some simple tips that you can start using immediately in your quest to attract new clients. Check out our strategies below:
Follow Up. If you find an article that you think one of your contacts will enjoy, pass it along. Send out cards around the holidays. When it’s been a long time since you’ve spoken to a former client, give him a call. In short, make an effort to keep your name in the forefront of potential customers’ minds.
Ask Questions. When you do meet with potential clients, ask them why they were attracted to your services. Find out their main reason for contacting you, rather than contacting one of your competitors. Use this information to create marketing materials that show why working with you is to people’s benefit.
Visualize a VIP. Imagine that whoever you are interacting with—whether they are attending a meeting in your office or merely calling for more information—deserves red carpet treatment. Ask your office staff to do the same. If you treat every interaction with courtesy and friendliness, people will be more likely to want to work with you.
Spend 20 Minutes. Each day make it your goal to devote 20 minutes to professional improvement. Watch a marketing how-to webinar, catch up on industry news, or listen to a business-related audio book during your daily commute.
Get Involved in Your Community. Consider sponsoring a local event or donating your time for a cause. Not only will you have the opportunity to do good, but you will also build your network and your reputation.
Use Your Business Cards. Leave business cards in locations throughout your community. For example, when you visit your local coffee shop, drop off a few business cards. Similarly, leave them at realtors’ offices. Make sure that your business cards include your website address so people can get information about your services without having to make a phone call. The more you can get your name out there, the more likely you are to pick up new clients.
Make Your Website User-Friendly. By user-friendly, we mean that it should be easy to get in touch with you in multiple ways. Don’t just provide one method to contact you. Instead, make sure that your Contact page offers a phone number, fax number, business address, and a contact form. Some people prefer phone to email—or vice-versa—and this allows you to maximize the chances that someone will make contact.
Titan List is a full service Advertising and Design agency specializing in Direct Mail, Mortgage Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Website / Graphic Design. Titan List has been around since 1998, and has a team of highly qualified individuals with experience in the marketing trends that fit your business. Unlike other agencies that source their work out, Titan List & Mailing handles the entire campaign in-house. Looking for a special list of data for your business? We can customize any data list for your company

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