It can be very frustrating when you fail to get a prospect on the phone. Worse still is when your prospect doesn’t return your call after you leave a voice mail. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to increase the likelihood that you’ll get a response from your prospect. Below we list out top 5 tips:
Use Multiple Mediums.
Everyone has a preferred method of communication—some people enjoy talking on the phone while others prefer email. Your job as a salesperson is to accommodate your prospect’s preference. When you’re leaving a voice mail, indicate that you will get in touch with your prospect via email, in case that works better. There are a number of people who are more likely to respond to an email—that can be replied to at any time of day—than a phone call during certain hours.
Send a Written Note.
While it sounds old-fashioned, everyone enjoys getting personal mail. Send your prospects a handwritten note after meeting with them. This will increase your likability and make prospects more likely to respond to your efforts to get in touch further down the road.
Use Referrals.
If someone referred a prospect to you, make sure to name-drop when you leave a message. Knowing that you have the person who made the referral in common can motivate the prospect to return your call.
Schedule It.
Let your prospect know the best time to contact you. For example, you might say in your message, “You can reach me between 4 and 7pm Wednesday evening.” One reason people are reluctant to return calls is because they don’t want to get into a time-consuming game of phone tag. By letting the prospect know when you will be available to answer your phone, you are eliminating this concern.
Be Reassuring.
It’s a good idea to let a prospect know in your voice mail that if he’s decided to go with someone else’s services, that’s fine because you don’t want to pester him with follow-ups. Usually, he’ll return your call and either let you know that he has gone with someone else or tell you that he hasn’t made a decision yet. Either way, it’s to your benefit to have this information so that if he has retained someone else’s services, you can devote your time to likelier prospects.
Growing Strong! Celebrating 15 years in Business!
Titan List is a full service Advertising and Design agency specializing in Direct Mail, Mortgage Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Website / Graphic Design. Titan List has been around since 1998, and has a team of highly qualified individuals with experience in the marketing trends that fit your business. Unlike other agencies that source their work out, Titan List & Mailing handles the entire campaign in-house. Looking for a special list of data for your business? We can customize any data list for your company.
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