Friday, June 6, 2014

5 Ways to Excel at Customer Service

Consumers are two times more likely to share their bad customer service experiences than they are to talk about positive experiences, says a recent report. Furthermore, 55% of consumers say that they would be willing to pay more for a better customer service experience. These statistics highlight just how important good customer service is to sales. When you offer your clients exceptional service, their satisfaction level increases and they’re more willing to remain loyal to your brand.
Below we offer up our top tips for excelling in the customer service arena:
Have a Positive Attitude. Who would you rather do business with–someone who’s positive and friendly or someone who is frequently out-of-sorts? People prefer to do business with those who are cheerful. When a survey asked respondents what qualities they expect from someone in the customer service field, overwhelmingly they chose a positive attitude as their number one attribute.
Appreciate Your Clients. It’s not often that businesses will go the extra mile to show customers that their support is appreciated. This makes the businesses that do really stand out. There are all kinds of ways that you can show clients that you care without breaking the bank. For example, after working with them, send them a thank-you note or call in a week to see how things are going. Make it your aim to let your clients know that their business is appreciated.
Be Responsive. There are few things worse than lodging a complaint or an inquiry to someone who doesn’t bother to acknowledge or address the issue in question. If a client comes to you with a problem, be responsive and work to resolve it promptly. People will respect your professionalism.
Arrive on Time. If you’ve ever waited 20 minutes for someone to show up to a business meeting, you’ve probably felt that your time wasn’t very important to the late attendee. If you’re the one frequently running late, you’re communicating in a subtle way to others that you don’t value their time. After all, you probably managed to show up promptly for those events that were important to you (remember your last job interview?). Show clients that they’re valued by giving yourself extra time to arrive at meeting locations; you can always get caught up on your email until they arrive.
Be Reliable. Think of some of the all-stars you’ve worked with in the past. These are the people you can count on to handle any issue. Once you give them something to work on, you can trust them to do it without continually following up to check their progress. People appreciate this kind of reliability. Strive to be an all-star for your clients. They’ll value knowing that they can trust you to do what they requested without micromanaging.
Celebrating 15 years in Business!
Titan List is a full service Advertising and Design agency specializing in Direct Mail, Mortgage Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Website / Graphic Design. Titan List has been around since 1998, and has a team of highly qualified individuals with experience in the marketing trends that fit your business. Unlike other agencies that source their work out, Titan List & Mailing handles the entire campaign in-house. Looking for a special list of data for your business? We can customize any data list for your company.

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