Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mortgage Industry & Thoughtfulness: A Daily Work Habit Worth Cultivating

Each day you probably engage in dozens of habits that you don’t even think twice about. You wake up in the morning, shower, check your email, drink a cup of coffee, etc. And while you probably find those habits enriching in some way, there is one daily work habit that promises the most enrichment—thoughtfulness. By cultivating a habit of thoughtfulness, you can experience greater happiness, better relationships, and more business success. If you are in the mortgage industry, having your past clients refer business is an important part of cultivating new business.
What do we mean by thoughtfulness? The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines thoughtfulness as “showing concern for the needs or feelings of other people.” In essence, thoughtfulness means that you place a value on treating the people who you encounter throughout the day with kindness.
To make thoughtfulness become a habit, we recommend setting an intention. In the morning before you leave for work, remind yourself of your goal to be thoughtful throughout the day. You can also place reminders in locations you’ll be likely to notice them such as your bathroom mirror, car, and office phone.
As you go about your day, look for opportunities to respond thoughtfully. This might mean maintaining a positive demeanor—rather than rolling your eyes—when you’re in a long line at the gas station. Or maybe you remember a client’s birthday with a card. It could mean realizing that someone might be having a bad day and showing more patience with their behavior than you typically would.
When you begin to cultivate an attitude of thoughtfulness, you’ll find that people start to respond to you differently. They’ll often be more engaging and kind themselves. In turn, you’ll find that you enjoy your interactions more which will help you to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day. This will only add to your professional success.
Celebrating 15 years in Business!
Titan List is a full service Advertising and Design agency specializing in Direct Mail, Mortgage Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Website / Graphic Design. Titan List has been around since 1998, and has a team of highly qualified individuals with experience in the marketing trends that fit your business. Unlike other agencies that source their work out, Titan List & Mailing handles the entire campaign in-house. Looking for a special list of data for your business? We can customize any data list for your company.

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